Hall Hire Guidelines


18 February 2023

Acknowledgement of Wijabul Wia-bul people of the Bundjalung Nation

I would like to start my report by stating that the Jiggi School of Arts Inc. acknowledges the Wijabul Wia-bul people of the Bundjalung Nation, the traditional owners of the land. We pay our respects to elders past and present and recognise the relationship and continuing connection they have with the land, water and community. We acknowledge that the land has never been ceded. We acknowledge when the Bundjalung and other Nations say that it always was, always will be, Aboriginal land.

The Jiggi School of Arts Inc. Committee (Hall Committee) has undertaken a number of initiatives during the last two years even though there have been major challenges such as Covid  and a catastrophic flood event. In the last two years we have had to postpone our AGM twice. Once as a result of Covid restrictions and more recently because of the flood. A lot has happened during the last two years and a number of changes have occurred.

Covid restrictions had a significant impact on the Hall during 2021 as restrictions on activities gradually changed from being across the board to depending on whether people were vaccinated or not vaccinated. The QR Code System was created and we were all required to adhere to this practice including Jiggi Hall. Finally, in December 2021, all restrictions were lifted in NSW and we were able to fully reopen the Hall which we did at the Christmas Party. It was the most well attended event for years with over 150 people in attendance. This event really brought the community together again and was a wonderful night.

We were all looking forward to a better year in 2022 when the flood hit in February. For the first time ever, water went through both the cottage and the Hall causing significant damage. Luckily, the Tower Pre-School building was largely spared and we only lost the pump and the air conditioning unit for that building. We lost the pumps for both the cottage and the Hall as well as a lot of items stored within the Hall. The cupboards in the kitchen in the Hall had to be removed, Lino replaced and new stoves purchased for both the cottage and the Hall. There was a lot of damage. The community rallied together after the flood and cleaned the Hall as best as possible at that point. Fortunately, we were able to put in an insurance claim for the damage to the cottage which had flood cover. Regrettably, neither of the other two buildings were covered for flood. The Hall Committee applied for a grant to cover some of the most important costs associated with getting the Hall back to a condition in which it could be hired again while the Tower Pre-School were able to access a grant to purchase a new air conditioning unit and cover its installation.

By the end of 2022 the Hall was still slowly getting back to normal and most pre-flood activities had recommenced. The Sunday Lunch will be returning in March 2023.                                                      

Hall Hire

Hall Hire kicked off with a flurry of activity in 2021. Between January and February there were two weddings, a 50th birthday and another birthday party. The Hall was in demand throughout the rest of 2021 although a number of bookings had to be cancelled as a result of Covid restrictions and periods of time when the Hall was required to be closed due to lockdowns. Most of the regular classes such as yoga and Pilates ran sporadically during this time depending on the restrictions. The year culminated in the annual Christmas Party and drawing of the yearly raffle. The Hall Committee began value adding to the hall hire during 2021 by offering catering as part of the package to people/organizations hiring the Hall. This has been quite successful to date.

As a result of the flood in 2022, all hall hire was suspended for a period of time. We were able to recommence hiring the Hall in April even though the kitchen was not fully completed. The Hall continues to be hired on a regular basis by people from within Jiggi, Georgica and Mountain Top and also by the wider Northern Rivers community.


JSOA have been successful in obtaining two grants during the period 2021 – 2022. The first one was from the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) and was provided to upgrade the kitchen and came through in March 2021. The second grant was from Service NSW and its purpose was to cover some of the flood damage to the Hall and was obtained in 2023. The initial grant for the kitchen has been extended to ensure that we are able to purchase everything we need locally so that we can support our local businesses that have returned after the flood. So far, between the two grants we have replaced the stove, floor coverings in the kitchen and bought new cupboards and steel benches as well as a base for the Bain Marie. We have also purchased some new tables and chairs for the Hall and replaced one of the table tennis tables.


We have been working on the Jiggi Hall website and intend to expand it with more functionality over time. The website is jiggihall.com.au We encourage everyone to visit the website and provide feedback on what else you think it might need to make it more user friendly.

Jiggi Hall Facebook page continues to be a main communications place, together with Jiggi Post.

We have commenced a regular “What’s on for the Month” flyer which is emailed to the Jiggi Hall email list as well as being displayed at Goolmangar Shop. We also send separate emails regarding specific events that are occurring at Jiggi Hall. If you would like to be part of this email list please contact us at jiggihall@gmail.com


We are always keen for new members and volunteers. One of our goals is to increase the number of Hall members. We intend to do this by encouraging people at Hall events to become a member. Our membership fee continues to be $2 per year. Membership provides a discount for Hall hire and the opportunity to vote in committee members and for general resolutions. Membership allows people to have a say in how our community hall is run. Membership is open to all residents of Jiggi, Georgica and Mountain Top. If you would like to become a member you can also do so by contacting us at jiggihall@gmail.com and we will provide you with the bank account details for deposit of your membership fee.


Most of the maintenance that has been undertaken during 2021 – 2022 has been out of necessity rather than planned. Three of the doors into the Hall including the front door needed to be repaired because they were not able to be closed properly. There was a major leak in a pipe under the Hall that resulted in a significant loss of water and required urgent repair. The toilets at the pre-school and the hot water system at the cottage also required repairs during this period. The rest of the maintenance and repairs that have been undertaken were as a direct result of the flood. It has been an expensive two years with only a proportion of the costs covered by either insurance or grants.

A new cleaner and a new grounds person were also engaged during 2021 – 2022 to ensure that the Hall is kept clean and the lawn mown regularly.

Events and Activities

We had lots of big plans for events and activities during 2021 with three major fundraising events planned as well as individual fundraisers for the Tower Pre-School and the Jiggi Public School. As a result of the ongoing restrictions and lockdowns related to Covid we were unable to hold any of these major events except for the end of year Christmas Party. Thankfully, the Christmas Party was scheduled for after all restrictions were removed and everybody was able to get together regardless of vaccination status. It was a great night for the local community and everybody enjoyed the party!

During 2021 we did manage to hold small events including a Plant, Seed and Produce Swap, Clothes Swap and a Fermentation Workshop. All of these events were well attended and Covid compliant. The Hall Committee also catered a number of private events during 2021. This helped the Hall financially during a time when major fundraisers were not able to be held due to Covid restrictions.

Sunday Lunch made a welcome return during 2021 and included a number of changes to make it Covid compliant. Unfortunately, after only two lunches, the introduction of new restrictions and a lockdown made it too difficult to continue. The Sunday Lunch will be returning in March 2023.                                  

Yoga and Pilates occurred sporadically during 2021 depending on fluctuating Covid requirements and restrictions. The choir – Jiggi Sings for Joy was not able to recommence during 2021 due to restrictions but is now back fortnightly.

Yoga with Ina, Pilates and Yoga with Maz all kicked off again early in 2022. Plans were being made for fundraisers and events throughout the year when the flood occurred late in February. The Hall was closed for all events and hires until April while we attempted to restore the Hall to a state in which it was again able to be used by the community and others for a range of activities. Working Bees were held and well attended by the community and gradually the Hall began to look more like its old self.

Small events such as the Plant, Seed and Produce Swap and the Clothing Swap were held. Yoga, Pilates, Community Night and choir gradually recommenced. A fortnightly Meditation group has also commenced. Hall hires recommenced and gradually people found their way back to the Hall as their meeting and socialising place.

The Hall Committee along with some great volunteers held two fundraisers during 2022 including a Pizza and Pasta Night in August and the Christmas Party and Annual Raffle in December. Both of these events were well attended and money was raised for the continued restoration of the Hall after the flood and to go towards funding a defibrillator for the Hall. The Hall hosted Emily Maguire in concert in early December and the people who attended all seemed to enjoy the night. Emily is keen to come again in the future.

The Hall Committee and volunteers catered for a five day Lismore City Council training course on Natural Sequence Farming presented by Tarwyn Park. This is the second time Jiggi Hall has been chosen to host this event. Between the Hall Hire and the catering, we were able to raise a reasonable amount of money for the Hall.

In September, Kate commenced as an official volunteer with the Hall. Kate volunteers 15 hours a week and does a wonderful job at keeping our Community Library organized as well as undertaking a range of other activities that benefit the Hall. Kate has quickly become an asset to the Hall and we are very grateful for the work she does.

Thank You

Our aim is to be inclusive, resilient and social and to share our time, experience, skills and talents. We aim for the Hall to provide a venue for our community to socialise, share stories, share experiences and learn from each other. The Hall is also a place to relax. Jiggi Hall could not achieve all of this without the help and support of all the volunteers from the local community. Without this support, Jiggi Hall would cease to exist.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed in the last two years.

Thank you to Louise, who has continued to provide assistance with checking and auditing our finances.

Thank you to Danielle and Wormie for being the driving force behind the Plant, Seed and Produce Swaps, Fermentation Workshops and other resilience activities that have occurred.

Thank you to Michael and Matt for all the work you have both put in at the fundraisers and working bees in the last couple of years especially with firing up the pizza oven and cooking the pizzas for a number of different events. Your assistance has been invaluable.

Thank you to Paul, Chris, Kenrick, Kate F, Michael, Chloe and Jamie and Amie for providing live music to the community. It has been greatly appreciated by all.

Thank you to Christina, Lisa, Tav, Roger, Faye, Wormie, Michael, Garrett, Julie, Deb, Jo and Alison, Bec, Ina, Cathie, Ken, Rachel and Mark, Carolyn and anyone else that has helped out during the last two years with any of our fundraising events. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Special mention to Deb, Faye, Ellen, Cathie and Kate for all of their invaluable help and support during the provision of the catering for the Council Workshop in November. What a major event!!

Special thanks also to Bec Massey who suggested Jiggi Hall to her family in Stroud when they asked her for recommendations of flood effected businesses that might be able to use the equipment they had removed from their café during refurbishment. Jiggi Hall shared this equipment with a disability service in Lismore and are still overwhelmed by the generosity of Bec’s family who made the donation. Thanks also to Bec for the donation of the marquee. It will definitely come in handy!

Thanks to Carolyn for her donation of an electronic whiteboard and a large noticeboard for the display of information. The whiteboard has saved the Hall money and provided a great resource that can be used for workshops and training days.

Thanks to Chris for fixing all the doors so they finally shut and stay shut. Much appreciated.

Thanks to Taya for giving her time to lead the Jiggi Sings for Joy choir and to Jason for providing a no-cost regular Meditation time for the community. Both of these activities have been invaluable for the mental health of our community.                                                      

Thank you to Kirstin and her staff at Goolmangar Shop for all your support in providing prizes for our raffles, letting us advertise all our events at the shop and selling our raffle tickets at the shop. You are one of our biggest supporters and we really appreciate all you do for us.

Thank you to all the businesses and individuals who have donated prizes for our annual raffle during the past two years. This has been an excellent fundraiser.

Thank you to all who have supported our little library by borrowing and donating books, CDs and DVDs. And to those who have brought their excess produce to share with others.                                               

Thank you to everyone who has made food for our events.

Thank you to all who have contributed to our events and activities, who have participated, attended, and helped to make Jiggi Hall such a valuable asset to our community.

Thank you to everyone who has come to our working bees and helped us to improve our Hall.

Thank you to Michael, Ken and Ina who have stepped down from the committee in the last two years and to Cathie, Sharon and Ellen who won’t be renominating for the 2023 committee. The commitment and hard work you have all put in during your time on the committee has been invaluable. Extra special thanks to Ellen who has gone above and beyond in developing a manual for the position of Treasurer that will be immensely useful to the people who follow her into this position. Ellen will remain as our Public Officer as well as being available to mentor the new Treasurer.

We have tried to thank everyone, but if we have missed you, please accept our thanks. I know there are people who turn up to events and help to set up and clean up. We appreciate your help in making our events and activities successful.

Thank you to previous Hall Committees, for all of your hard work over the years. It has contributed to making this Hall a great place for Jiggi, Georgia and Mountain Top communities.

And from me, thank you to our Hall Committee, for your community commitment, for your ideas, for your hard work and for all of your support. Each person has brought their own skills, expertise and enthusiasm to our work during a very difficult last two years and I appreciate all of the effort you have put in to keep the Hall functioning during this time.

 The Future

To our new JSOA committee members, a welcome to you in advance of the election. Thank you for being willing to contribute to your community by becoming a part of the Hall Committee.

We hope to continue to provide and support activities and events that encourage more people to become involved and to help raise funds for our community hall.

We hope there are lots of opportunities in the coming year to build our community, to build our resilience, to socialise, to share and support. Your involvement in our community hall is vital.

Marina Fitzhenry – President, Jiggi School of Arts